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En İyi Kısa Belgesel

Best Documentary (Short Subject)

En İyi Kisa Belgesel

En İyi Kısa Belgesel Film Akademi Ödülü ilk kez 1941 yılında verilmiştir.

Bu yazımda ise gelmiş geçmiş En İyi Kısa Belgesel Film Oscar Ödülü'nü kazananların tam listesini sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum.

1941 - National Film Board of Canada / Churchill's Island
1942 - Oscar Ödülü Verilmedi
1943 - United States Navy / December 7th
1944 - United States Marina Corps / With the Marines at Tarawa
1945 - Gordon Hollingshead / Hitler Lives
1946 - United States Department of War / Seeds of Destiny
1947 - United Nations Division of Films and Visual Information / First Steps
1948 - United States Army / Toward Independence
1949 - ( tie-beraberlik )
Richard de Rochemont / A Chance To Live
Edward Selzer / So Much for So Little
The Rising Tide
1950 - Edmund Reek / Why Korea?
1951 - Fredd Zinnemann tarafından Paramount Pictures Corporation ortaklığı ile Los Angeles Ortopedi Hastanesi için yapıldı. / Benjy
1952 - Norman McLaren, National Film Board of Canada / Neighbours
1953 - Walt Disney Productions / The Alaskan Eskimo
1954 - World Wide Pictures and Morse Films / Thursday's Children
1955 - Walt Disney Productions / Men Against the Arctic
1956 - Louis Clyde Stoumen / The True Story of the Civil War
1957 - Oscar Ödülü Verilmedi
1958 - Ben Sharpsteen / Ama Girls
1959 - Bert Haanstra / Glass
1960 - James Hill / Giuseppina
1961 - Frank P. Bibas / Project Hope
1962 - Jack Howells / Dylan Thomas
1963 - Simon Schiffrin / Chagall
1964 - Charles Guggenheim / Nine from Little Rock
1965 - Francis Thompson / To Be Alive!
1966 - Edmond A. Levy / A Year Toward Tomorrow
1967 - Mark Harris ve Trevor Greenwood / The Redwoods
1968 - Saul Bass / Why Man Creates
1969 - Denis Sanders ve Robert M. Fresco / Czechoslovakia 1968
1970 - Joseph Strick / Interviews with My Lai Veterans
1971 - Manuel Arango ve Robert Amram / Sentinels of Silence
1972 - Charles Huguenot van der Linden ve Martina Huguenot van der Linden / This Tiny World
1973 - Julian Krainin ve DeWitt L. Sage Jr.
1974 - Robin Lehman / Don't
1975 - Claire Wilbur ve Robin Lehman / The End of the Game
1976 - Lynne Littman ve Barbara Myerhoff / Number Our Days
1977 - John C. Joseph ve Jan Stussy / Gravity Is My Enemy
1978 - Jacqueline Phillips Shedd ve Ben Shedd / The Flight of the Gossamer Condor
1979 - Saul J. Turell / Paul Robeson: Tribute to an Artist
1980 - Roland Halle ve Peter W. Ladue / Karl Hess: Toward Liberty
1981 - Nigel Noble / Close Harmony
1982 - Edward Le Lorrain ve Terri Nash, National Film Board of Canada / If You Love This Planet
1983 - Cynthia Scott ve Adam Symansky, National Film Board of Canada / Flamenco at 5:15
1984 - Marjorie Hunt ve Paul Wagner / The Stone Carvers
1985 - David Goodman / Witness to War: Dr. Charlie Clements
1986 - Vivienne Verdon-Roe / Women - for America, for the World
1987 - Sue Marx ve Pamela Conn / Young at Heart
1988 - William Guttentag ve Malcolm Clarke / You Don't Have to Die
1989 - Charles Guggenheim / The Johnstown Flood
1990 - Steven Okazaki / Days of Waiting
1991 - Debra Chasnoff / Deadly Deception: General Electric, Nuclear Weapons and Our Environment
1992 - Gerardine Wurzburg, Thomas C. Goodwin ( posthumous win-ölümünden sonra ) / Educating Peter
1993 - Margaret Lazarus, Renner Wunderlich / Defending Our Lives
1994 - Charles Guggenheim / A Time for Justice
1995 - Kary Antholis / One Survivor Remembers
1996 - Jessica Yu / Breathing Lessons: The Life and Work of Mark O'Brien
1997 - Donna Dewey, Carol Pasternak / A Story of Healing
1998 - Keiko Ibi / The Personals: Improvisations on Romance in the Golden Years
1999 - Susan Hannah Hadary, William A. Whiteford / King Gimp
2000 - Tracy Seretean / Big Mama
2001 - Sarah Kernochan ve Lynn Appelle / Thoth
2002 - Bill Guttentag, Robert David Port / Twin Towers
2003 - Maryann DeLeo / Chernobyl Heart
2004 - Robert Hudson ve Bobby Houston / Mighty Times: The Children's March
2005 - A Note of Triumph: The Golden Age of Norman Corwin
2006 - The Blood of Yingzhou District
2007 - Freeheld
2008 - Smile Pinki
2009 - Music by Prudence
2010 - Karen Goodman ve Kirk Simon / Strangers No More
2011 - Daniel Junge ve Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy / Saving Face
2012 - Sean Fine ve Andrea Nix Fine / Inocente
2013 - Malcolm Clarke ve Carl Freed / The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life
2014 - Ellen Goosenberg Kent / Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1
2015 - Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy / A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness
2016 - Orlando von Einsiedel / The White Helmets
2017 - Frank Stiefel / Heaven is a Traffic Jam on the 405
2018 - Rayka Zehtabchi ve Melissa Berton / Period. End of Sentence.
2019 - Carol Dysinger ve Elena Andreicheva / Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (If You're a Girl)
2020 - Anthony Giacchino ve Alice Doyard / Colette
2021 - Ben Proudfoot / The Queen of Basketball
2022 - Kartiki Gonsalves ve Guneet Monga Kapoor / The Elephant Whisperers
2023 - Ben Proudfoot ve Kris Bowers / The Last Repair Shop
2024 - 

96 yıllık Oscar tarihindeki En İyi Kısa Belgesel Film Akademi Ödülü'nü kazananlar tam liste.

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