2015 Oscar Favorite Awards

oscar favorite awards
Oscar Favorite Awards

Sinema dünyasının en prestijli ödülleri olan Oscar Akademi Ödülleri'nin sahiplerini bulmasına sadece 2 gün kaldı. Oscar Favorite, geçtiğimiz yıl Oscar Ödülleri'nden önce kendi belirlemiş olduğu Oscar Favorilerini açıklamış ve 2014 Oscar Favorite Ödülleri'ni dağıtmıştı.

2015 oscar favorite awards-2015 oscar favorite odulleri
2015 Oscar Favorite Awards-2015 Oscar Favorite Ödülleri

Oscar Favorite, bu yıl ikincisi düzenlenen Oscar Favorite Ödülleri için geçtiğimiz yıl olduğu gibi yine aday duyurusu yapmamıştır.

Only 2 days left to the most prestigious film rewards, the Oscars. Last year before the Oscars, Oscar Favorite announced its own Oscar favorites and handed out 2014 Oscar Favorite Awards. Just as the last year Oscar Favorite didn't make a nominee announcement for the Oscar Favorite Awards.

Oscar Favorite Ödülleri Kategoriler (Oscar Favorite Awards Categories)

1-Meziyet Kategorileri-Sinema (Merits Categories-Motion Picture)
  • Oscar Adayları (Oscar Nominees)
  • Uluslararası (International)
  • Türkiye (Turkey)
2-Meziyet Kategorileri-Televizyon Dizileri (Merits Categories-TV Series)
  • Uluslararası (International)
  • Türkiye (Turkey)
3-Meziyet Kategorileri-Televizyon Şovları (Merits Categories-TV Shows)
  • Uluslararası (International)
  • Türkiye (Turkey)
    4-Özel Kategoriler (Special Categories)

    Oscar Favorite Ödülleri Kazananlar ( Oscar Favorite Awards Winners)

    1-Meziyet Kategorileri-Sinema (Merits Categories-Motion Picture)

    • 87. Oscar Akademi Ödülleri Adayları (Nominees for the 87th Oscar Academy Awards)

    En İyi Film (Best Picture)

    Oscar Favorite Best Picture Award-Oscar Nominees-Birdman

    oscar favorite best picture award birdman
    Oscar Favorite Best Picture Award-Birdman

    En İyi Yönetmen (Best Director)

    Oscar Favorite Best Director Award-Alejandro González Iñárritu-Birdman

    oscar favorite best director award alejandro gonzalez inarritu birdman
    Oscar Favorite Best Director Award-Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu-Birdman

    En İyi Erkek Oyuncu (Best Actor in a Leading Role)

    Oscar Favorite Best Actor Award-Eddie Redmayne-The Theory of Everything

    oscar favorite best actor award eddie redmayne the theory of everything
    Oscar Favorite Best Actor Award-Eddie Redmayne-The Theory of Everything

    En İyi Kadın Oyuncu (Best Actress in a Leading Role)

    Oscar Favorite Best Actress Award-Julianne Moore-Still Alice

    oscar favorite best actress award julianne moore still alice
    Oscar Favorite Best Actress Award-Julianne Moore-Still Alice

    En İyi Yardımcı Erkek Oyuncu (Best Actor in a Supporting Role)

    Oscar Favorite Best Actor in a Supporting Role Award-J.K. Simmons-Whiplash

    oscar favorite best actor in a supporting role award jk simmons whiplash
    Oscar Favorite Best Actor in a Supporting Role Award-J.K. Simmons-Whiplash

    En İyi Yardımcı Kadın Oyuncu (Best Actress in a Supporting Role)

    Oscar Favorite Best Actress in a Supporting Role Award-Patricia Arquette-Boyhood

    oscar favorite best actress in a supporting role award patricia arquette boyhood
    Oscar Favorite Best Actress in a Supporting Role Award-Patricia Arquette-Boyhood

    En İyi Yabancı Film (Best Foreign Language Film)

    Oscar Favorite Best Foreign Language Film Award-Andrey Zvyagintsev-Leviathan

    oscar favorite best foreign language film award leviathan
    Oscar Favorite Best Foreign Language Film Award-Leviathan

    En İyi Sinematografi (Best Cinematography)

    Oscar Favorite Best Cinematography Award-Emmanuel Lubezki-Birdman

    oscar favorite best cinematography award emmanuel lubezki birdman
    Oscar Favorite Best Cinematography Award-Emmanuel Lubezki-Birdman

    En İyi Kurgu (Best Film Editing)

    Oscar Favorite Best Film Editing Award-Sandra Adair-Boyhood

    oscar favorite best film editing award boyhood
    Oscar Favorite Best Film Editing Award-Boyhood

    En İyi Görsel Efekt (Best Visual Effects)

    Oscar Favorite Best Visual Effects Award-Interstellar

    oscar favorite best visual effects award interstellar
    Oscar Favorite Best Visual Effects Award-Interstellar

    En İyi Sanat Yönetmeni-En İyi Yapım Tasarımı (Best Production Design)

    Oscar Favorite Best Production Design Award-Adam Stockhausen, Anna Pinnock-The Grand Budapest Hotel

    oscar favorite best production design award-adam stockhausen-anna pinnock-the grand budapest hotel
    Oscar Favorite Best Production Design Award-Adam Stockhausen-Anna Pinnock-The Grand Budapest Hotel

    En İyi Animasyon (Best Animated Feature Film)

    Oscar Favorite Best Animated Feature Film Award-How to Train Your Dragon 2

    oscar favorite best animated feature film award how to train your dragon 2
    Oscar Favorite Best Animated Feature Film Award-How to Train Your Dragon 2

    En İyi Kısa Animasyon (Best Short Film Animated)

    Oscar Favorite Best Short Film Animated Award-Patrick Osborne-Feast

    oscar favorite best short film animated award feast
    Oscar Favorite Best Short Film Animated Award-Feast

    En İyi Kısa Film (Best Short Film Live Action)

    Oscar Favorite Best Short Film Live Action Award-Mat Kirkby-The Phone Call

    oscar favorite best short film live action award the phone call
    Oscar Favorite Best Short Film Live Action Award-The Phone Call

    En İyi Makyaj ve Saç (Best Achievement in Makeup and Hairstyling)

    Oscar Favorite Best Achievement in Makeup and Hairstyling Award-The Grand Budapest Hotel

    oscar favorite best achievement in makeup and hairstyling award the grand budapest hotel
    Oscar Favorite Best Achievement in Makeup and Hairstyling Award-The Grand Budapest Hotel

    En İyi Kostüm (Best Costume Design)

    Oscar Favorite Best Costume Design Award-Milena Canonero-The Grand Budapest Hotel

    oscar favorite best costume design award milena canonero the grand budapest hotel
    Oscar Favorite Best Costume Design Award-Milena Canonero-The Grand Budapest Hotel

    En İyi Ses Kurgusu (Best Sound Editing)

    Oscar Favorite Best Sound Editing Award-Richard King-Interstellar

    oscar favorite best sound editing award richard king interstellar
    Oscar Favorite Best Sound Editing Award-Richard King-Interstellar

    En İyi Ses Miksajı (Best Sound Mixing)

    Oscar Favorite Best Sound Mixing Award-Whiplash

    oscar favorite best sound mixing award whiplash
    Oscar Favorite Best Sound Mixing Award-Whiplash

    En İyi Orijinal Şarkı (Best Music Original Song)

    Oscar Favorite Best Music Original Song Award-Glory-Selma

    oscar favorite best music original song award glory selma
    Oscar Favorite Best Music Original Song Award-Glory-Selma

    En İyi Film Müziği (Best Music Original Score)

    Oscar Favorite Best Music Original Score Award-Jóhann Jóhannsson-The Theory of Everything

    oscar favorite best music original score award johann johannsson the theory of everything
    Oscar Favorite Best Music Original Score Award-Johann Johannsson-The Theory of Everything

    En İyi Özgün Senaryo (Best Writing Original Screenplay)

    Oscar Favorite Best Writing Original Screenplay Award-Wes Anderson, Hugo Guinness-The Grand Budapest Hotel

    oscar favorite best writing original screenplay award-wes anderson-hugo guinness-the grand budapest hotel
    Oscar Favorite Best Writing Original Screenplay Award-Wes Anderson-Hugo Guinness-The Grand Budapest Hotel

    En İyi Uyarlama Senaryo (Best Writing Adapted Screenplay)

    Oscar Favorite Best Writing Adapted Screenplay Award-Damien Chazelle-Whiplash

    oscar favorite best writing adapted screenplay award damien chazelle whiplash
    Oscar Favorite Best Writing Adapted Screenplay Award-Damien Chazelle-Whiplash

    • Uluslararası (International)

    Yılın En İyi Filmi (Best Picture of the Year)

    Oscar Favorite Best Picture Award-International-Boyhood

    oscar favorite best picture of the year international award boyhood
    Oscar Favorite Best Picture of the Year-International Award-Boyhood

    • Türkiye (Turkey)

    Yılın En İyi Filmi (Best Picture of the Year)

    Oscar Favorite Best Picture Award-Turkey-Kış Uykusu

    oscar favorite best picture of the year turkey award kis uykusu
    Oscar Favorite Best Picture of the Year-Turkey Award-Winter Sleep

    2-Meziyet Kategorileri-Televizyon Dizileri (Merits Categories-TV Series)

    • Uluslararası (International)

    Yılın En İyi Televizyon Dizisi (Best TV Series of the Year)

    Oscar Favorite Best TV Series Award-International-Orphan Black

    oscar favorite best tv series of the year international award orphan black
    Oscar Favorite Best TV Series of the Year-International Award-Orphan Black

    • Türkiye (Turkey)

    Yılın En İyi Televizyon Dizisi (Best TV Series of the Year)

    Oscar Favorite Best TV Series Award-Turkey-Kiraz Mevsimi

    oscar favorite best tv series of the year turkey award kiraz mevsimi
    Oscar Favorite Best TV Series of the Year-Turkey Award-Kiraz Mevsimi

    3-Meziyet Kategorileri-Televizyon Şovları (Merits Categories-TV Shows)

    • Uluslararası (International)

    Yılın En İyi Televizyon Şovu (Best TV Show of the Year)

    Oscar Favorite Best TV Show Award-International-The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

    oscar favorite best tv show of the year international award the tonight show starring jimmy fallon
    Oscar Favorite Best TV Show of the Year-International Award-The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

    • Türkiye (Turkey)

    Yılın En İyi Televizyon Şovu (Best TV Show of the Year)

    Oscar Favorite Best TV Show Award-Turkey-Beyazıt Öztürk-Beyaz Show

    oscar favorite best tv show of the year turkey award beyazit ozturk beyaz show
    Oscar Favorite Best TV Show of the Year-Turkey Award-Beyazıt Öztürk-Beyaz Show

    4-Özel Kategoriler (Special Categories)

    Oscar Favorite Award for Rising Star of the Year-Chloë Grace Moretz

    oscar favorite rising star award chloe grace moretz
    Oscar Favorite Rising Star Award-Chloe Grace Moretz

    Academy Award for Best Quotes of the Year ''Sen de Anlat''

    sen de anlat
    Sen de Anlat


    Oscar Favorite Best Awkward YouTube Channel of the Year

    oscar favorite best awkward youtube channel award roman atwood
    Oscar Favorite Best Awkward YouTube Channel Award-Roman Atwood
